Delivery Policy
Upon the receipt of your order, our system initiates a thorough review process. Within the next 24 hours, following your confirmation, one of our dedicated project managers will reach out to you.
Throughout the course of your project, you will receive notifications marking its commencement and an estimated timeline for completion. Additionally, confirmation emails for your registration will be dispatched. The project is considered officially delivered once it is completed, and you gain access to the finalized work.
While email notification is not a prerequisite for considering the delivery complete, we make it a practice to inform you via email upon the project’s conclusion. All project details, terms, and conditions are explicitly outlined in the agreement, which is mutually signed by both parties.
For website projects, accessibility is facilitated through a domain chosen during registration. It’s important to note that we bear no responsibility for any unauthorized use of the selected domain name. In the event that you purchase a domain during registration, your name will be listed as the registrant and owner. The completion of the website is not contingent on the domain resolving to your website. Regardless, access to the website is maintained through the provided or chosen subdomain.